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Wanderer of Arcadia: Day One
26 May/2023

Wanderer of Arcadia: Day One

Judul: Wanderer of Arcadia: Day One

Penulis: Muhammad Fawwaz Al Hira

Editor: Nurani Ike Budiatmawati

Halaman: iv, 80 hlm, 14,8 x 21 cm

Cetakan: Pertama, Mei 2023

Penerbit: Pustaka Mediaguru






Felix Anderson is a person who never gives up and is independent. He goes through all challenges patiently. He adventured in the world of Arcadia, cross dimensions, and interact with races other than humans.

The book tells you all what Felix do in his life time. His struggling for the truth is shown here.

Go and get the book. You will get a lot of things about what life is.

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