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The Devil’s Anvils
15 Feb/2024

The Devil’s Anvils

Judul: The Devil’s Anvils

Penulis: Ida Bagus Putu Attaya Sugawa Putra

Editor: Nopiranti

Halaman: vi, 130 hlm, 14,8 x 21 cm

Cetakan: Pertama, Februari 2024

Penerbit: Pustaka Mediaguru






Louis Moreau is a teenager who works as a farmer in the fields of France. One day he decides to become a soldier to continue his brother’s legacy. He also wants to see the beauty of the world. But he makes a horrible mistake. At the same time when he got accepted into the French Army, The Germany Empire who at that time was at war against Great Britain, declare war on France. This condition causing many men join the army, including Louis. He then were forced to leave his beloved family and country. On the frontline he saw millions of France troops had been killed cruelly and sadistically by the Germany. Pile of body could see everywhere. The cities become dark and full of sorrow.

This journey wasn’t as easy as Louis expected. He has to crawl through wire, cover from enemy fire, and even face poisonous gas. But he was not alone. He met several friends named Pierre, Jean, and Ludwig. They all makes through the journey and adventures together and build a good chemistry among them. Trauma and exhaustion are what they all had been through while facing and killing the enemy.