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Sky Girl and The Sky Rose
14 Feb/2023

Sky Girl and The Sky Rose

Judul: Sky Girl and The Sky Rose

Penulis: Vivienne Catherine Tan

Editor: Nurani Ike Budiatmawati

Halaman: iv, 66 hlm, 14,8 x 21 cm

Cetakan: Pertama, Februari 2022

Penerbit: Pustaka Mediaguru






Once upon a time, in the Sky Kingdom, there was a beautiful girl named Skyler. She loves the Sky Queen so much that when the queen got sick and needed sky rose, a magical flower, to cure the queen, she took the most challenging journey to help the queen.

With the help of her friend: Doggone and Mama Cloud, Skyler fought the evil side of Dan, the famous scientist in the Sky Kingdom.

Skyler eventually got the Sky Rose, but could she make it in time to help the queen?