Judul: Labyrinth: Lost in Reverie
Penulis: Janeeta Syajda Koswara
Editor: Nopiranti
Halaman: vi, 328 hlm, 14,8 x 21 cm
Cetakan: Pertama, Oktober 2023
Penerbit: Pustaka Mediaguru
Have you ever wondered about the other worlds? A group of friends decided to play the elevator game ritual. Some of the friends do not believe the supernatural. Some believe so badly in it. Will the players be able to survive the game and back to the real world? Or get lost and being trapped in the other world? Find the answer in this charming book.
Labyrinth: Lost in Reverie is a compilation of short stories of horror or thriller stories about childhood friends, peeping tom, strange girl, and weird man. Just grab it fast and feel the goosebumps.