Judul: Katingan Local Content; Descriptive Texts for 8 Graders
Penulis: Agus Kurniawan
Editor: Uzlifatul Rusydiana
Halaman: vi, 54 hlm, 14,8 x 21 cm
Cetakan: Pertama, Juli 2023
Penerbit: Pustaka Mediaguru
This richly textured book introduces the local content of Katingan regency. It encompasses students with highly moral values and its familiarity with the subject. This book is a complimentary learning resource for 8 graders. The students will be able to understand descriptive text on objects, places, humans, animals, and alike by paying attention to social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements correctly according to the context.
This book aims to enable students to read the descriptive text, analyze the structure of the sentences, mention, and analyze the main ideas and specific information along the lines.