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All Lies
02 May/2023

All Lies

Judul: All Lies

Penulis: Arefa Latisya Putri Fiskiawan

Editor: Nurani Ike Budiatmawati

Halaman: vi, 74 hlm, 14,8 x 21 cm

Cetakan: Pertama, Mei 2023

Penerbit: Pustaka Mediaguru






Eva was born with a silver spoon and a pretty face and has had everything she wished for since birth. Everyone was always envious of her perfect life. But that fantasy only seemed nice from the outside. Her crazy experience started when she discovered that her own best friend, Nula, turned out to be her biological sister. After an accident, Nula lost half of her memory, and they became estranged. Since then, Eva’s life has started to crumble. Many lies covered up the truth and unexpected events have begun to pop up. All of her high hopes and wishes never came true. Her only goal was to revive Nula’s memory so they could talk and have fun like in the old days, but many things had stopped her.

Let’s follow Eva’s life story in the book entitled “All Lies”.