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1000++ New Vocabularies in Fifty Days-Through Crosswords Puzzle
24 Jun/2024

1000++ New Vocabularies in Fifty Days-Through Crosswords Puzzle

Judul: 1000++ New Vocabularies in Fifty Days-Through Crosswords Puzzle

Penulis: Endang Agus Sulasmi

Editor: Nopiranti

Halaman: vi, 54 hlm, 21 x 29,7 cm

Cetakan: Pertama, Juni 2024

Penerbit: Pustaka Mediaguru






For most students at elementary, middle, and high school levels, English lessons are less attractive. Imagine, there are four skills that must be learned at once, namely listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Apart from learning them, students are also required to be able to use them in communicating, both written and spoken. As a foreign language, the problems above become even more complicated when students have less vocabulary.

Well, this book presents strategies for increasing students' vocabulary in an interesting way in the form of a crosswords puzzle game. Come on, grab this book and have a fun learning English.